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Media Coverage

  1. SIT Karnataka: December 2023 (Psychometric Assessment, the Indian Way SIT Chat)
  2. VidphoneOfficial: December 2023 (Exploring Entrepreneurship and Women in Business: A Candid Conversation with VidphoneOfficial)
  3. Bharat Anveshan: December 2023 (Dive into the complexities of the human mind with insights from Indian Psychology – YouTube)
  4. Wonder Women Wednesday: October 2023 (Power of Indian Psychological Tests by Dr. Shilpa Datar – In Conversation with Wonder Women Wednesday – YouTube)
  5. Kannadavani: September 2023 (Wonderful interaction with Rajeev Kulkarni Ji and Kannadavani – YouTube)
  6. The Teacher Foundation: September 2023 (The Right Teacher Type Using Swayam Psychometric Personality Lenses – The Teacher Foundation webinar – YouTube)
  7. Yellow Chapter: May 2023 (Shilpa Datar, Founder, Swayam Analytics Interview on Building Psychometric Assessments Platform for Accurate Hiring. (
  8. WO Bright: December 2022 (
  9. February 06, 2016 (
  10. The Daily Mail, London: February 16, 2014 ( In this Newspaper article Mrs. Cherie Blair talks about the CBFW and how it helps women across the globe establish their businesses. She mentions the work of Dr. Shilpa Datar to show it as an example of how CBFW has helped women across the world.
  11. Brummel (European magazine): December 2013 issue: pg. 93-95: ( In this leading European magazine, the power of women coming together to help and mentor one another to establish a successful business enterprise is talked about. Dr. Datar who is a mentee at the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women has been teamed up with Ms. Maha El Dimachki who is mentoring her on her journey so far. Dr. Datar was invited to London by CBFW and BAML to share her thoughts on women entrepreneurship along with Ms. El Dimachki and Mrs. Cherie Blair.
  12. The New Indian Express: December 14, 2013: Saturday supplement edition: pg. 3 ( In this newspaper article the writer has encapsulated Dr. Datar’s work and how she developed the software and its uses.
  13. Eenaadu Telugu Magazine: November 24, 2013 Sunday special issue: pg. 9 ( 2013/Magzines/SundaySpecialInner.aspx?qry=weekpanel1) This article details how Dr. Datar, being a house-wife was able to conceive of and develop a software to assess personality from the Indian perspective of Tridoshas and Trigunas leading her to establish an online business that has garnered much attention.
  14. Blog: July 2, 2012: posted by Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (CBFW) ( This article is an account of the steps taken by Dr. Datar to establish her business and become a successful entrepreneur, with help from different quarters; her journey so far including the glitches and the successes she has faced with aplomb.
  15. Outlook Magazine: October 3, 2011 issue: pg. 58/60 ( The practical applications of Dr. Datar’s work has been mentioned from the Vedic perspective and understanding; also mentioning testing from Vedic perspective which might become de-rigueur in days to come.

Awards & Recognitions

Events & Conferences

London, with Mrs. Cherie Blair and Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Educational Institutes