When you apply for a job and are appearing for an interview, you shall be interviewed with various questions, and the more prepared you are, the more successful your interview would go.
1)Tell me something about yourself?
✓ Never answer it in general terms like a life story.
✓Focus on skills, accomplishments, and relevant experiences.
2)What are your strengths and weaknesses?
✓Point out your positive attributes related to the job optimistically.
✓Never spend too much time on weaknesses and keep it work-related.
✓Consider the requirements of the job and then answer accordingly.
3)Why did you leave your current job?
✓ Be careful. Don’t reply like “I need more money.” Instead, make a generic statement like “This is a career change.”
✓ Don’t lie about your dismissal too.
4)What do you know about us?
✓ Explore the history, some renowned personalities of the company before you attend the interview.
5) What are some attributes that describe you perfectly?
✓ Positive.
✓ Task-oriented adjectives such as sincerity, hard-working, honest, and polite.
✓ A brief explanation or example of why each is right for you.
6)Why are you interested in working for us?
✓ Prepare ahead of time and avoid giving predictable answers.
7)What past achievements are most remarkable to you?
✓ Work or projects which you are proud of.
✓ Focus on achievements, not rewards.
8)What makes you the ideal candidate for the job?
✓Positive qualities should be highlighted.
✓Mention any positive compliments you’ve gotten.
9)Why are you interested in this position?
✓Prepare a reason of interest in the job by doing some preliminary research.
✓Avoid answers that are obvious and meaningless.
10)What motivates you to work hard?
✓Don’t cite monetary gain.
✓Sense of satisfaction and accomplishments.
11)What kind of work environment do you prefer?
✓Give them an idea of your choices, but keep telling them that you would prefer like theirs.
12)How do you deal with pressure and stress?
✓Everyone experiences stress to varying degrees.
✓The best way to deal with it is to maintain a balance along with it.
13)What strategies did you use to overcome a significant challenge?
✓It’s a question to know your personality in an interview.
✓Answers like concentrating on the issue of and using skills.
14)In five years, where do you see yourself?
✓Describe your aspirations for advancement in your career.
✓Mention that you’d like to progress in your career by becoming one of the leading figures in the company.
15) What qualifications do you have for this particular position you have applied for?
✓Work Experiences
✓Qualifications and education
16)What have you done in the last year to improve your knowledge?
✓Include job-related improvement activities as much as possible.
✓Positive self-improvement encompasses a wide range of activities.
✓Have a few good ones on hand to share.
17) What are your salary expectations?
What is your expected salary?
✓As a beginner, never disclose your financial needs.
✓Candidates with previous work experience can share salary expectations.
✓Always state that you are ready to work following company pay norms.
18) If you are employed, how long do you plan to work with us?
✓ Don’t be too specific. Otherwise, the impression shall come, as you will not stay.
✓You can say long enough. Or I sincerely hope as long as, we both agree that I’m doing a good job.
19) Explain to us the ideas you have implemented before?
✓Prepare a good one.
✓Use the accepted offer and consider it successfully.
✓ Being related to the type of job you are looking for is a big plus.
20) Is there anything else you’d like to ask us?
✓Express gratitude.
✓Confirm the pay scale, job Shift patterns, work Address, overtime allowance, training Period, and transportation facilities.
Interview questions can cover a variety of topics. It’s unlikely that all are answerable, but always remember trust and confidence is the key to success.